The journal Educación XX1 publishes the article by Santos-Pastor and others entitled "Design and validation scale to assess University Service Learning in Physical Activity and Sports”
Service-Learning is a powerful experiential learning tool that is gaining interest in University Education and also one of the workstreams of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice.
With the objective of contributing to increase the understanding of this pedagogical practice, our colleague and Coordinator of the Research Network in Learning-Service in Physical Activity and Sport for Social Inclusion (RIADIS) Maria Luisa Santos-Pastor together with Laura Cañadas, Luis Fernando Martínez-Muñoz and Luis García-Rico, also members of RIADIS, in which the Chair is integrated, have published the work entitled “Design and validation scale to assess University Service Learning in Physical Activity and Sports”.
The article published in the prestigious scientific journal Educación XX1 collects the process of design and validation of an instrument to evaluate the impact of Service-Learning in Physical Activity and Sport in the training of students. In this way, the publication offers a reliable scale that allows determining the impact of this methodology on the learning and development of students to transform it into a general training approach at the university level.