Diffusion y Dissemination

The UNESCO Chair on Education for Social Justice of the UAM aims to disseminate knowledge about education for social justice to both teachers and researchers.

Thus, the Chair develops, among others, the following permanent actions:

  • It publishes a biweekly Newsletter with news about events, reading recommendations and audiovisuals.

The UNESCO Chair organizes specific activities such as seminars, conferences and congresses:

  • 1st International Meeting of Unique Schools, organized by the Universidad Espíritu Santo (UEES) of Ecuador with the support of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice of the Autonomous University of Madrid (17/04/2021).
  • XII International Conference on Artistic Education en clave 2.0 (2020): Art and Participation. Organized in collaboration with the Research Group “Educational Change for Social Justice, the DEMOSPAZ Institute and InSEA (International Society for Education Through Art) (11/05/2020-31/05/2020). 

Likewise, the researchers of the Chair have offered talks and conferences in various national and international forums and, in addition, have developed different exhibitions and performances: