The UNESCO Chair on Education for Social Justice of the Autonomous University of Madrid has among its objectives to undertake, jointly with partners, interdisciplinary research to advance knowledge in the field of education for social justice and disseminate results widely.
The Chair develops diferent projects funded by competitive local and national calls:
- “Democracy in schools as the foundation of an education for social justice” (2018-2022). R+D proyect funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness-Government of Spain.
Ref.: EDU2017-82688-P.
- “All Through Schools” (2019-2022). Project funded by the Erasmus + Program: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Strategic association for school education.
Ref .: 2019-1-UK01-KA201-061536.
- “University service-learning in physical activity and sport. Opportunity for social inclusion (Activat@s)”(2020-2023). R+D Project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Government of Spain.
Ref.: PID2019-105916RB-I00.
- “Citizenship Education in the Context of European Values – The Educational Aspect”. Project funded through the European call Jean Monnet Networks.
Ref.: 621298-EPP-1-2020-1-CZ-EPPJMO-NETWORK.
- “Towards a new linguistic citizenship: action-research for the recognition and equal participation of speakers in the educational field of the Community of Madrid” (2020-2024). R+D Project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Government of Spain.
Ref.: PID2019-105676RB-C41.R+D project.
- “Blended Learning in Schools: A Universal Design Approach” (2021-2023). Project funded by the Erasmus + Program.
Ref.: 2020-1-IE01-KA226-SCH-08293.
- “INCLUDL-Schools: Promoting inclusive schools in Europe through Universal Design for Learning and Service-Learning” (2022-2025). Proyecto financiado por Programa Erasmus+. Ref.: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000024456
The research projects developed by the Chair that have already been completed are:
- “Civil society initiatives to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the city of Madrid” (2021-2022). Project funded by the Madrid City Council.
Ref.: 2020/553-0725.
- “Rural 3.0: Service Learning for the Rural Development (RURASL)” (2019-2021). Research funded by the European Union within the ERASMUS + KA2 Call of the Europe 2020 Strategy.
Ref.: 599382-EPP-1-2018-1-PT-EPPKA2-KA.
- “Support networks in the university inclusion of gypsies” (2021). Research funded by the Chair of Gypsy Culture of the University of Alicante.