New article by F. Javier Murillo and Raquel Graña on "Presence of women in scientific production in education. A look through the female authors who publish in Aula Magna 2.0 journals"

Aula Magna 2.0, Scientific Journals of Online Education, has published the article “Presence of women in scientific production in education. A look through the authors who publish in the magazines of Aula Magna 2.0” by F. Javier Murillo, Director of the Iberoamerican Journal on Quality, Efficacy and Change in Education (REICE) and the UNESCO Chair on Education for Social Justice of the Autonomous University of Madrid, and Raquel Graña, research assistant from that same institution.

Murillo, F. J. & Graña, R. (2020). Presencia de las mujeres en la producción científica en educación. Una mirada a través de las autoras que publican en las revistas de Aula Magna 2.0 [Presence of women in scientific production in education. A look through the female authors who publish in Aula Magna 2.0 journals]. Aula Magna 2.0. [Blog]. Recuperado de:

The study shows a gender inequality in the scientific field, particularly in academic production in the field of Education. Structural causes that are related to those inequalities of power, of the family sphere and of professional development in the academic sphere are visible. For this reason, a collective responsibility is urged in the editorial process that does not exacerbate these inequalities. Ideas or recommendations that you can consult in the following link.