F. Javier Murillo and Nina Hidalgo publish a new entry in the Aula Magna Blog entitled "A look at the objectives in educational research articles
The Aula Magna blog entry “A look at the objectives in educational research articles” by F. Javier Murillo, Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair on Education for Social Justice, and Nina Hidalgo, technical secretary, is now available.
Since February 2013, the Aula Magna 2.0 Blog posts articles periodically. The blog aims to be a space for communication on trends in higher education in any of its modalities and contexts, in order to generate debate, dissemination of knowledge, interaction with ideas, in such a way that it is debated and built 21st century higher education.
Si queremos que la investigación educativa tenga un impacto en la mejora de la calidad y la equidad de la educación, necesitamos mejor investigación, mejores artículos. Y la formulación de los objetivos forma parte de ello.
Murillo e Hidalgo, 2021 Tweet