F. J. Murillo will speak at the closing table of the XII NIP Conference-LACEA Network on Inequality and Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean- Uruguay Chapter
The chairholder of the UNESCO Chair on Education for Social Justice of the UAM F. Javier Murillo will take part in the closing table- “Perspectives for the analysis of educational inequality” of the XII NIP Conference on October 28, 2021 from 5.00 p.m to 6.15 p.m. His speech can be followed by Zoom.
The XII NIP Conference- organized by the Institute of Economics of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Administration in collaboration with the Department of Economics of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Republic of Uruguay- pursue the objective of promoting experience and knowledge of the causes and consequences of poverty, inequality and social exclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean and the set of policies, institutions and social structures that influence their dynamics.
The event will be held on October 27 and 28 with tematic tables that can be followed in person with prior registration and respecting the limited capacity and virtually by Zoom. It will close with the award ceremony for the best contribution of young people to the NIP 2021.
If you wish to participate in the presence send request until the 26th at 12.00 on this link:
For any enquiry please contact:
Complete Program here: