RIADIS will organize its First International Congress RIADIS, Service-Learning in Physical Activity and Sport for Social Inclusion

Next January 2022 the Research Network on Physical Activity and Sport for Social Inclusion will organize its 1st RIADIS International Congress, Service-Learning in Physical Activity and Sport for Social Inclusion

The Research Network on Physical Activity and Sport for Social Inclusion (RIADIS) currently brings together researchers from ten Spanish universities integrating capacities and resources aimed at teaching and research excellence in the field of inclusion in Physical and Sports Activity. The first International Congress RIADIS 2022 was born with the desire to give continuity and greater projection to the Network and in its organization collaborate the UNESCO chair on Education for Social Justice of the UAM. 

The event pursues the following objectives:

-Expand research capacity in Service Learning in Physical Activity and Sports for Social Inclusion;

-Improve the knowledge and skills of its members and participants;

-Share experiences;

-Establish new collaborations, opportunities and partnership for the development of new initiatives and projects.

Always understanding that the will is to advance in the line of converting, consolidating and making physical education and sport known as learning tools and that, with a clear will and commitment to service and with the necessary methodological strategies, they can contribute to the improvement of the life quality of people and the development of our society. 


More information and registration here: https://riadis2022barcelona.com/