A compilation of socio-educational entities committed to the implementation of Environmental Education in the classroom is available
By the World Environment Day, celebrated on June 5, the Chair have made a small selection and recommendation of socio-educational entities committed to the implementation of environmental education. For more resources on how to work on Environmental Justice at different educational levels, we recommend visiting the repository on our website: Environmental Justice.
Ecologistas en Acción (Ecologists in Action) is a confederation of more than 300 ecological groups in Spain. It is part of the so-called social ecology, which understands that environmental problems have their origin in an increasingly globalized model of production and consumption. On its site, we can find a compilation of varied resources and key readings for audiences of all ages.
Teachers for the Future is a group of teachers concerned about the state of climate emergency. This group carry out actions to change the management of schools and to develop Environmental Education. It offers a complete compilation of teaching materials related to climate change and sustainability, audiovisual resources (documentaries, short films, films, etc.). It also has a compilation of websites that lead to resources such as ecological transition guides, manuals on sustainable development, stories about threatened fauna, photo library and sound library of CENEAM that includes a set of photographs and sounds of nature and environment. environment. Among the most creative proposals, we find the “zero waste recess” program that consists of motivating students so that there are no residues in their lunches or snacks, or at least, this is reduced to the minimum possible. Another interesting initiative is the one that promotes the creation of school gardens and eco-dining rooms, which seek to reduce the environmental footprint and promote awareness in this regard, creating emotional ties with the natural environment for its conservation and care.
FUHEM-Ecosocial has been dedicated to educational research, experimentation, and innovation. One of the fundamental objectives of FUHEM is to help students understand the world in which they live and cope satisfactorily with it. They create this tool in order to share didactic resources to face the crisis of coexistence between people and the environment. The entries are elaborations by FUHEM, by teachers from different institutions, or by interesting resources and activities that they get to know. Providing teachers with materials to work at different levels of the educational cycle around issues related to sustainability, social cohesion, democracy and diversity, and peace.
BCTF is a union of professionals representing 45,000 public school teachers in the province of British Columbia, Canada. Within this great federation there is an action group specialized in Environmental Justice. On its website, you can find a group of resources that offer support to teachers for environmental education at all educational levels. These are organized by didactic units, important days, varied resources, posters, etc.
Earth School is an educational platform promoted by the United Nations Environment Program with the intention of connecting students with nature. The initiative is to learn something amazing every day of the week between Earth Day (April 22) and World Environment Day (June 5). On this platform, we will find a complete calendar that will help organize environmental teaching methods from daily adventures or experimental and exploration missions such as reflecting on how everything we need and use comes from the Earth or in solutions that will protect and enhance nature, with topics on recycling, composting, tree planting, urban gardening, and the use of renewable energy.