International Research Network on Education for Social Justice
The International Research Network on Education for Social Justice is a consortium of research centers, groups and teams from different countries that work on Social Justice and Education from various perspectives and perspectives. It was formally created in September 2019 from the collaboration between seven research groups from six different countries. Each of them with a different organization, structure, characteristics and approaches.
Its purpose is: To contribute to the construction of fairer societies through the development of an education for social justice.
To do this, it sets three objectives:
- Improve research on Education for Social Justice and its impact on educational practice and policy.
- Strengthen the professional capacities of the teams that make up the Network, as well as contribute to the training of teachers and specialists on Education for Social Justice.
- Promote the dissemination and dissemination of knowledge, materials, research and experiences of Education for Social Justice.
In order to meet the objectives set for the Network and, thereby, achieve the expected results, it is proposed to carry out organized actions related to research, training, and dissemination and dissemination.
The research centers/groups that make up the Network are:
The UNESCO Chair on Education for Social Justice of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) was created in March 2019 through a collaboration agreement between UNESCO and UAM. Its purpose is to promote a transformation towards fairer societies through the promotion of an integrated system of research, development and innovation, dissemination, training and documentation on education for social justice. Likewise, collaboration is sought among internationally recognised high-level researchers, teaching staff of the University and other institutions in Spain and other places in Europe, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. It currently has a team of 74 people, including Research and Teaching Staff, Technical Team, Research Staff in Training and Doctoral Students.
Chairholder: F. Javier Murillo
The Research Center for Education for Social Justice (CIEJUS) is a network of 30 researchers and researchers from five Chilean and three international universities, highly sensitized by the various educational, social, economic, emotional injustices, etc., that affect people and / or groups, towns and populations of Chile. Its objective is to produce knowledge together with the subjects and their communities, realizing a meeting between science and society, between scientists and social actors in order to respond to the educational demands of the country, through the transdisciplinary organization from three research nuclei: a) Teacher training, school and community; b) Education and territory; and c) Indigenous education. All of them address the educational problems of segregation, discrimination and inequalities present in the national education system, and assuming social justice as their axis seek to identify solutions that promote equity, inclusion and quality in the national education system.
Coordinator: Donatila Ferrada Torres
The research group “Education and Political Culture” aims to study the mechanisms of conformation and dissemination of the dominant political culture, its relationship with subordinate political cultures, forms of resistance and the links established with education. Better understand the cultural dimensions of the current political situation, the society projects that underlie the political actions, and the role that education and socialization have been having in the different forms of social and political participation. It is structured in four lines of research: education and political culture; childhood, culture and education; critical pedagogies and alterities; networks, mobilizations for education and political subjectivities. The group is registered in the National Pedagogical University of Bogotá (Colombia) and in the National Science and Technology and Innovation-Colciencias Platform.
Coordinator: Yeimy Cárdenas Palermo
Members of International Reseach Network on Education for Social Justice: Carolina Soler M., Maria Cristina Martínez P., José Gabriel Cristancho A.
The research group is based in the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Autonomous University of Chiapas (Mexico) and is recognised by the Ministry of Public Education in Mexico. It focuses on the reasearch workstream of identity, power and culture. Under this workstream, individual and collective identities in formation, transformation, exposure and contact are approached, mainly those that conflict with intercultural encounters or diversity contexts. When talking about identities, we recognise the plurality of scenarios in which children and young people move, from the community to the school, through the media, urban, public, family and personal relationships. In all these scenarios, cultural and political elements are present and constitutive of identity. The interdisciplinary approach allows emphasizing the psychocultural and social elements, reflecting mainly on the attention between the subject and the community.
Coordinator: Martín Plascencia González