Natalia Ruíz López
Degree in CC. Mathematics (UCM). Doctor of Education (UAM).
She is a lecturer in the area of Mathematics Teaching in the Department of Specific Didactics of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (UAM). He teaches primarily in the degrees of Teaching in Primary Education and Teaching in Early Childhood Education. She also teaches continuing education courses for Primary and Secondary teachers in the Community of Madrid.
She has carried out management work and has participated in several teaching innovation projects at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the UAM, such as:
- Participation in the team that carried out from 2004 to 2009 the pilot project of adaptation of the Master’s Degree in Foreign Language to the EHEA.
- Coordination of the work team of the Primary Education Degree belonging to the Institutional Project “Strategic planning and feasibility analysis of the UAM Teacher Training and Education degrees within the framework of the EHEA”. Call of 2007.
- Coordination of the commission of development of the new curriculum of the degree of Master in Primary Education, within the call for Convergence Projects 2008 of the UAM.
- Coordination of the project “Strategic plan for the development and dissemination of the new title of Primary Education: implementation of the practicum, information and guidance of the student, virtualization of teaching systems and evaluation of competencies”, belonging to the call for the Development of Teaching the UAM of the year 2009.
- Participation in the project team “Continuous evaluation of the competences in Mathematics, Social Sciences and Experimental Sciences in the titles of Primary and Infant Education Teacher”, within the call for the Development of the Teaching of the UAM in 2009.
- Academic Secretary of the Department. of Specific Didactics of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education from February 2007 to March 2011.
She has participated in various international agreements between the UAM and several Brazilian universities, conducting conferences and teaching courses. She is tutor of the international agreement between the Autonomous University of Madrid and the Unilasalle University of Canoas (Brazil) since 2008. She participates in the editorial committee of the electronic magazine “Didactics Specific”, with ISSN1989-5240, of the Department of Specific Didactics of the UAM . She is a reviewer of the magazine “Context & Educaçao”, with ISSN 0102-8758, of the Post-Graduate Program in Educaçao nas Ciências of the Northwestern Regional University of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). Member of the SEIEM, Spanish Society of Research in Mathematical Education.
Lines of investigation
- Mathematics Teaching
- Application of the Tics to the teaching of mathematics
- Dynamic Math Software (SMD)
- Teacher Training
- Mathematics teaching for social justice