Martín Pérez Pasten

PhD student in Education from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Master in Communication and Educational Technology for e-Learning from the University of Arts, Sciences and Communication, Chile. Diploma in University Teaching from the Autonomous University of Chile. Graduated in Audiovisual Communication from the School of Higher Studies of Communication and Education. Chile. 


He is currently a regular teacher in the General Training Department of the Autonomous University of Chile in the areas of communication, teamwork and social responsibility. He has been an undergraduate and graduate teacher at the Finis Terrae University (Chile), the Catholic University of Maule (Chile), the European University of Madrid and the Spanish Society of Health Managers (SEDISA).


He has participated as a teacher of pedagogical refresher courses, tutor of accompaniment of teaching competencies in urban and rural schools of Chile and collaborator in research evaluating practical competencies in the degree of Medicine.