Marta Sandoval
My research interest is focused on Inclusive education and I coordinate the research group ONinclusion.
I worked as special education teacher and counsellor for ten years in Primary and Secondary schools in Madrid. I was very concern about the schools inclusion scenes because that there were in fact a exclusion ones that everybody overlook. So I started study my Phd while I kept working at schools.
During the last 15 years I have dedicated my efforts to empowering teachers in educational inclusion. I am one of founder of Inclusive Education Consortium. During several years she was involved in the education Ministry for teaching inclusive education to in-service teachers. Furthermore, she is a Teacher Training MOOC (edx) “Equity, inclusion and diversity”
She has participated in different national and international projects about teacher training , such as: Teaching Diverse Learners in School Subjects (Tdivers), Responding to Diversity by Engaging with Students’ Voices: a Strategy for Teacher Development and Reaching the ‘hard to reach’:Inclusive responses to diversity through child-teacher dialogue.
I am advisor of the European Agency for the Development of the Students with Special Needs and Inclusive education (2014-2017) has conducted two competitive studies, one entitled “Models of schools and teaching experiences in the processes related to support for students at risk of educational exclusion (2011-2013) supported by the Ministry of Education and “Universal Design of Instruction in University Teaching” supported by the Santander Bank (2014-2016).