Lourdes García López
Associate Professor of the Department of Teaching and Theory of Education. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Autonomous University of Madrid. Doctor in Education from the Autonomous University of Madrid.
In 2006 she began her professional activity as a Secondary School Teacher in the specialty of Educational Orientation in EOEP, IES and Adult Center (Career Officer). She is currently a Technical Teaching Advisor in Attention to Diversity in the Directorate of Territorial Area Madrid-Norte (S.S. Reyes).
She has experience in teacher training. Course 2012 -13 and 2013-14, Associate Professor of the Camilo José Cela University of Madrid in the Teacher Access Course. In the 2010-11 academic year, she collaborated in the teaching of the subject Models of Orientation and Psychopedagogical Intervention of the Degree in Psychopedagogy at the Autonomous University of Madrid. In turn, since 2004, she has taught continuing education courses for teachers in educational centers and preparation centers for oppositions to the teachers and secondary schools.
Since July 2009 she is part of the Research Group on School Change for Social Justice of the Autonomous University of Madrid. GICE- UAM. Her educational research experience and interests focus on school orientation, educational inclusion, Service-Learning, Education for social justice, and school improvement and effectiveness.