"Education and social inequalities: how to advance towards an inclusive education for social justice" the new article by F. J Murillo is now available in Euskonews
The electronic publication of the Society for Basque Studies – Eusko Ikaskuntza (EI-SEV) includes, in its number 757, the article by F. Javier Murillo “Education and social inequalities: how to advance towards an inclusive education for social justice”
The author and Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice of the Autonomous University of Madrid makes it clear “if we want schools to contribute to achieving a more inclusive and just society, they must teach social justice and be inclusive and fair. There is no other way”.
In addition, he offers us some ideas of good practices in inclusive education. Some examples are the following: an inclusive educational culture, understanding of teaching and learning as a shared experience, the integral development of students, and a democratic and participatory organization.
Read the full article on Euskonews
Murillo, F. J. (2021). Educación y desigualdades sociales: cómo avanzar hacia una educación inclusiva para la justicia social. Euskonews, 757. Recovered from http://euskonews.eus/zbk/757/educacion-y-desigualdades-sociales-como-avanzar-hacia-una-educacion-inclusiva-para-la-justicia-social/ar-0757001002C/