Cecilia Azorín
Cecilia Azorín has a Degree in Music Teaching (2010), a Degree in Pedagogy (2013), a Master’s Degree in Research and Innovation in Early Childhood and Primary Education (2011), a Master’s Degree in Gender and Equality (2014), a Master’s Degree in Teacher Training (2016) and a PhD in Education (2017).
She has received the Extraordinary End-of-Degree in Music Teaching Award (University of Murcia, 2011); the Extraordinary End-of-Degree in Pedagogy Award (University of Murcia, 2014) and the First National End-of-Degree Award in the Degree in Pedagogy (Ministry of Education, 2017).
In 2019, she obtained the international Michael Fullan Emerging Scholar Award in Professional Capital and Community of the Boston College, a distinction that recognizes the academic and research trajectory of emerging scholars during the first five years of their postdoctoral period.
She is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education, Department of Didactic and School Organization, University of Murcia (Spain). Member of the Research Group “Equity and Educational Inclusion” (EIE) of the University of Murcia. Her lines of research are about leadership, inclusion, school improvement and professional learning networks.
She is the Spanish coordinator of the Erasmus + Project “All through Schools” (KA2 Project, 2019-UK01-KA201-061536) with funding of 307288 euros, whose execution period is 2019-2022. Professors Alma Harris and Michelle Jones (University of Swansea) lead this research, in which educational centers, researchers and local authorities from the United Kingdom, Spain and Iceland participate.
Since 2019, she is an associate editor in the journal “Research in Educational Administration and Leadership” (https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/real), SJR (Q4) and included in ESCI. Member of the Editorial Committee of the following journals: “School Leadership & Management” (https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cslm20/current), SJR (Q1) and “Journal of Professional Capital and Community” (http: //www.jpccjournal.com), SJR (Q2).
She has been speaker at some of the most prestigious international conferences held in the field of education, such as the Education Conference on Educational Research (ECER) in 2017 and 2018, and the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI) in 2020. She has also been invited to the “Extreme After Dinner Speakers Club” session, sharing the stage with Professor Michael Fullan.
Author of 37 articles, including: 2 JCR articles (Q1 and Q2), 22 articles in SJR (3 in Q1, 6 in Q2, 10 in Q3 and 3 in Q4), and 13 articles in IN RECS, Latindex, ESCI and Fecyt. She has also written book chapters in prestigious publishers such as Springer and Routledge.
Editor of two monographic issues on collaboration networks in education in: Profesorado. Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado”(number 22-2, 2018), SJR (Q3); and more recently in“ School Leadership & Management ”(number 40-2 / 3, 2020), SJR (Q1) .