A video on the development of the round table on the new educational law (LOMLOE) organised by “Redes por Otra Política Educativa” is available
The permanent commission of “Redes por Otra Política Educativa“, a network to which the UNESCO Chair on Education for Social Justice belongs, organised a round table on February 7 on the new educational law (LOMLOE) at the Ateneo de Madrid.
Throughout its development, the representatives of the political parties that participated and supported the aforementioned ‘Basis Document … ”presented their position regarding the Educational Reform Project that will again enter the legislative agenda of the Parlament this February.
The Bureau was formed by Deputy Mari Luz Martínez, spokesperson for the Committee on Education and Vocational Training in the Congress of the Socialist Parliamentary Group; Deputy Javier Sánchez, spokesman for the Commission for Education and Vocational Training of Confederal Parlamentary Group of Unidos Podemos-En Comú Podem-En Marea and Deputy Joan Josep Nuet on behalf of the Republican Parliamentary Group. The coordination of the round table was exercised by Sandra Villa, belonging to the Madrid Green Tide Assembly collective.
The political representatives agreed to promote this reform, in the terms that were formulated. They understood that it was an important step forward in repealing the LOMCE and reformulating its most harmful aspects. They highlighted the progress elements of this reform project, among others, the new conception of permanent education, of early childhood education, educational inclusion, school admission, teaching of Religion, state and regional competences and, subsequently, a debate was opened .
The attendees transferred their concerns and doubts to the Bureau with the text of the Reform Project for their lack of conviction and clarity in defense of a public, secular, democratic and inclusive school. They also expressed their concern with some of the measures collected in relation to coeducation, democratic and participatory management of the school system and educational centers with insufficient stable and permanent channels for the participation of educational communities, curricular division in subjects, limited relevance of the school planning, lack of decision on the role of subsidiarity of school concerts, weak reference to the role of the education system in climate emergency issues, financing of the reform, if the law involves an economic report that enables the announced measures and the reversal of the cuts in education, school ratios, indefinition of the teaching periods, allowing the current 18 periods in secondary education …
In the debate, the political representatives expressed the importance of having the support of the groups present during the processing period of the reform project. The complexity of parliamentary negotiation required it, and communication with the educational communities was vital for this project. They were receptive to the reception of proposals for amendments to the text, which would be worked by parliamentary groups in the parliamentary process of the law.