XIX International Congress of Educational Research: Research committed to social transformation
The Interuniversity Association of Pedagogical Research (AIDIPE) organised the XIX International Congress of Educational Research: Committed Research to Social Transformationin in collaboration with the research groups “Educational Change for Social Justice”, of the Autonomous University of Madrid, “Adaptive Pedagogy” of the Complutense University of Madrid and the “INTER| Research Group in Intercultural Education »of the National University of Distance Education, at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain) on 19, 20 and June 21, 2019.
It was a forum aimed to gather specialists and debate about the latest advances in educational research. In this edition, the congress takes as its axis educational research as a mean for social transformation.
In a context where evidences reveals the greatest humanitarian and today’s soceity values crisis due to social inequalities, environmental degration and a slow economic growth, educational research can not be left out. It must have a relevant role to respond to the real needs that affect social transformation. We are convinced that only a quality educational research, committed to methodological issues and methods, cooperative and in collaboration with the educational community and society can reach to improve education and, with this, transform society.