Visiting Researchers
Martha Yolanda Monzón, teacher at the Normal School of Ixtapan de la Sal (Mexico), she made her research stay at the Chair in order to strengthen her activity in research and educational innovation. Among the main activities carried out during the stay is the realization of periodic meetings with the team of the Chair, participation in training sessions and advice for research and observation of classes, among others.
Visiting period: 20 March – 2 April 2019
Magali Hernández García, teacher at the Normal School of Ixtapan de la Sal (Mexico), she has made her research stay in the Chair with the aim of strengthening hes activity in educational research and innovation. Among the main activities carried out during the stay is the holding of periodic meetings with the team of the Chair, participation in training sessions and advice for research and observation of classes, among others.
Visiting period: 20 March – 2 April 2019
Carina María García Ortiz, teacher at the Normal School of Ixtapan de la Sal (Mexico), she has made her research stay in the Chair with the aim of strengthening hes activity in educational research and innovation. Among the main activities carried out during the stay is the holding of periodic meetings with the team of the Chair, participation in training sessions and advice for research and observation of classes, among others.
Visiting period: 20 March – 2 April 2019
Pilar Rodríguez, researcher at the Regional University Center of the East (Uruguay), she has made her stay with the objective of identifying priority research lines for educational change and the improvement of results in different socio-cultural contexts, especially the most disadvantaged of Uruguayan education. The main activities in which she has participated during her period of stay are: training sessions and advice for the development of research, participation in research seminars, support in the organization of the XIX International Congress of Educational Research. Committed Educational Research for Social Transformation, etc.
Visiting period: 10 June – 19 July 2019
Charles L. Slater, professor and researcher at the University Long Beach (California-USA), he has made his research stay with the objective of developing an investigation based on knowing the opinions of experts on issues related to the leadership of social justice. During his stay, he has developed activities of various kinds such as participation in meetings with both the team of the Chair, has attended meetings with organizations close to the Chair, as well as conducted several interviews with experts and experts in Educational Leadership for Justice Social.
Visiting period: 2 September – 20 Diciembre 2019
José Adriano, professor at the Autonomous University of Chiapas, he has made his research stay shared between the DEMOSPAZ Institute and the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice. Among the main activities developed during the stay is the participation in sessions where he has presented the advances of his research, the participation in research seminars and meetings with members of both the team of researchers and researchers of the Chair, as well as the Demospaz Institute.
Visiting period: 1 October – 31 October 2019
Theresa R. Borges-de-Miranda, Brazilian psychologist and social scientist in a doctoral program, she is currently conducting her research stay with the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice. Among the main activities she is carrying out during her stay is the participation in research seminars, participation in coordination meetings and work of the research projects of the Chair, attend courses aimed at doctoral students in advanced research methods and meetings with members both of the team of researchers and researchers of the Chair, as well as with other institutions working in collaboration with the Chair.
Visiting period: 13 January – 12 June 2020