The UNESCO Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance organizes next 2021 the XIX International Forum "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
The UNESCO Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance and the BENECON Research Center for Cultural Heritage, Ecology and Economy, collaborators of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice, organize the XIX International Forum “Le Vie dei Mercanti. World Heritage and Design for Health” which will be held in Naples and Capri (Italy) next 2021.
In its 19th edition the Forum will be dedicated to the theme “World Heritage and Design for Health”.
Some important dates are:
- Monday 18 January 2021: deadline for submission of abstract
- Monday 22 March 2021: deadline for submission of full paper
- Monday 3 May 2021: deadline for early registration (at least one author of an accepted paper)
- 17, 18, 19 June 2021: XIX Forum World Heritage and Design for Health