“The serious challenge of school segregation in Colombia” by F. Javier Murillo in Ruta Maestra
"The serious challenge of school segregation in Colombia" by F. Javier Murillo in Ruta Maestra
Colombia is one of the countries with the highest school segregation by socioeconomic level in Latin America. International studies carried out with both Primary Education (Murillo and Martínez-Garrido, 2017) and Secondary (Krüger, 2019; Murillo, Duk and Martínez-Garrido, 2018) schools place Colombia with a greater segregation after Panama, Honduras and Peru (see graph 1).
Furthermore, the data indicates that segregation has only increased over the past decade (see Chart 2).
The high school segregation rates in Colombia are a reflection of an educational system that promotes exclusionary and inequitable societies, where the learning and development process of the students is predetermined by the socioeconomic situation of their environment.