The journal Citius, Altius, Fortius of the Center for Olympic Studies (CEO) of the UAM published a special monographic issue on olympism, peace and olympic diplomacy
The Center for Olympic Studies (CEO) led by Mª Eugenia Martínez Gorroño, a member of the research and teaching team of the UNESCO Chair on Education for Social Justice, has published the latest issue of Citius, Altius, Fortius. This issue is a special monograph focused on “Olympism, peace and Olympic diplomacy“, which aims to be a contribution to the cause of peace.
In the Olympic environment, the publication of this issue implies the dissemination for the entire Spanish-speaking community of works of relevant content that have been part of the sessions held in Olympia, Greece, at the headquarters of the International Olympic Academy (AOI). These papers, already published in the Olympic languages, are now published in Spanish thanks to the support of the IOC through Citius, Altius, Fortius.
These papers have been published in the Olympic languages by the AOI that now, with the support of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), are published in Spanish through Citius, Altius, Fortius. This journal is recognised as a diffuser for the entire Spanish-speaking community of specialists in Olympism, which highlights and values the sport that, together with the Olympic ideology, represents a hope of harmony and rapprochement of human groups. As Thomas Bach stated before the UN General Assembly in 2017, “although in our fragile world, polarization and distrust are increasing; in our fragile world, the Olympic games always have bridges, never build walls”.
This issue will be specially reviewed in the Bulletin published by the Center for Olympic Studies in Lausanne and has entailed a special effort from the CEO members.