The Chair signs a collaboration agreement with the International Network of Creative Schools RIEC-ADEC RIEC-ADEC
The UNESCO Chair on Education for Social Justice signs a collaboration agreement with the International Network of Creative Schools RIEC-ADEC, where they commit to give each other mutual support in achieving the objectives they share regarding innovation, improvement and the creative development of educational institutions.
The International Network of Creative Schools (RIEC), is formalized on June 28, 2012 on the occasion of the IV Forum on Innovation and Creativity (INCREA) held in Barcelona. In 2008, the first creative teacher training sessions were held in the city of Orleans (SC), which would lead to the publication in 2009 of the book “Uma Escola para o século XXI: Escolas Criativas e resiliência na educação” in which refers for the first time to the Creative Schools Network. In 2010 the first Days of Creative Schools are held in Orleans. RIEC is formed by those teachers and education professionals who work for a creative and transformative school, stating their commitment to participate, promote and disseminate the experiences of creative schools, as well as their assessment and recognition.