Rocío García Peinado
Doctor in Education from the Autonomous University of Madrid.
Associate Professor of the Department of Evolutionary Psychology and Education at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Autonomous University of Madrid.
Child Education Teacher at the E.I. Bärbel Inhelder (UAM).
Master’s Degree in Quality and Improvement of Education by the Autonomous University of Madrid, in the specialties of Change, Management and Leadership and Quality in University Teaching Programs. Master’s Degree in Information Technology and Communication in Education and Training by the UAM. Socio-labor Expert by the UNED. Specific training in Management, Organization of Teaching Centers and Teams.
She has experience in teacher training and has collaborated in teaching different subjects in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (UAM).
Since 2009, she has oriented her research interests towards the fields of service-learning (ApS), early childhood education and education for social justice.
Member of the Research Group “Educational Change for Social Justice (GICE)”.
She is a member of the European Network of Service-Learning University (Europe Engage), the Spanish University Network of Service-Learning (ApSU), the Spanish Network of Service-Learning and the ApS Promoter Group of Madrid.
She has participated in competitive projects, both research and teaching innovation. She has disseminated the results of his research activity through scientific publications and through participation in national and international conferences.