Roberto Velázquez
His academic-professional career can be divided into two phases. The first, since obtaining the title of Professor of Physical Education (1976), which is dedicated to the exercise of teaching in Physical Education, at the levels of Primary Education (before EGB) and Secondary Education (before BUP), and that ended in February 1998, as Professor of Baccalaureate. In the last years of this phase, his interest in innovation and research in the field of Physical Education begins to awaken, which leads him to integrate into a work group and to make some publications.
The second phase of his academic-professional career, which fully corresponds to his teaching and research activity at the university, starts from February 1998, with the obtaining of a position of Professor of University School at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Although he finished his doctorate four years before, it can be said that his scientific and research activity as a university professor begins in the said year. The main scientific achievements obtained from then until now are reflected in the knowledge generated through the studies and research carried out, from the perspective of Physical Education, in two significant, related fields, which are increasingly important personal and social.