On November 12, the Carlos Muñoz Izquierdo Chair of Educational Research will be held
The event that the Universidad Iberoamericana Mexico City organizes annually is held this year under the title “The role of the school and the pedagogical to transform realities.”
In this edition of the Carlos Muñoz Izquierdo Chair for Educational Research, F. Javier Murillo, director of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice, will give a presentation on education and social transformation.
The objective of the Carlos Muñoz Izquierdo Chair of Educational Research is to promote and support the training of researchers committed to social change and enrich educational knowledge based on the lines proposed by Carlos Muñoz Izquierdo in his work.
Carlos Muñoz was a Mexican researcher who dedicated his career to analyzing education at all levels from various analytical topics and categories, such as: Education and social change, Equity of education, Quality of education, Education and labor markets, Education and social mobility, adult education and relationship between educational research and policy formulation.
Do not hesitate to sign up for the Chair that will be held on November 12 (17: 00-20: 00, Spain), (10: 00-13: 00, Mexico).