New Project: “Iniciativas de la sociedad civil para la consecución de los Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible”

On September 24, 2020, the resolution of Grants for Research Projects on Global Citizenship and International Cooperation for Development 2020 of the Madrid City Council was published in the Official Gazette of Madrid City Council (BOAM), and we are pleased to announce that our project entitled “Civil society initiatives to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals” has been granted. 

The proposal was presented by the Institute for Human Rights, Democracy, Culture of Peace and Non-Violence (DEMOSPAZ Institute), the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice, the University Institute for Women’s Studies (IUEM) and the University Institute of Needs and Rights of Children and Adolescents (IUNDIA), all of them from the Autonomous University of Madrid and has been valued by the Madrid City Council based on both its rigor and the commitment presented to comply with the 2030 Agenda.

The purpose of this project is to identify and describe all the actions that civil society is developing in the area of ​​SDGs in the community of Madrid, as well as to delve into some relevant experiences through their systematization, in particular with regard to issues related to the defense peace and human rights (SDG 16), the search for gender equality (SDG 5) and the construction of food sovereignty (within SDG 11). With all this, once again we can emphasize the great capacities of our academic teams at the UAM, which are committed to meeting the sustainable development goals and continuing to position our institution as one of the most rigorous in terms of research.