Mª Luisa Santos Pastor will participate in #CIMIE2021

#CIMIE21 is the interdisciplinary international scientific meeting organized by the Multidisciplinary Association for Educational Research (AMIE), a member of the World Education Research Association (WERA). It is an event that annually brings together around a thousand male and female researchers from different disciplines, universities and countries in a meeting to share, learn about and generate scientific debates that contribute to the improvement of education and society.

On this occasion, our colleague from the UNESCO Chair on Education for Social Justice of the Autonomous University of Madrid, Mª Luisa Santos Pastor, will be part of the panel on “Social transformation, service-learning and physical education from the university. She is a tenured professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Degree and Doctorate in Physical Education. Graduated in Social Education. He carried out various investigations on university teaching and has different publications, lectures and communications at conferences.

The event will take place on June 30 and July 1 – 2, 2021, you can register through this link https://amieedu.org/inscripcion/ until June 18.

Here we leave you the link to know the panels and their speakers: