Javier González Patiño
Lecturer at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain), he has an extensive experience as digital creative and is the founder of Mediática, a collective that advises and investigates the digital transformation of learning communities. The intersection between professional and academic background focuses his research interests, tending to engage in action research projects in different socio-cultural contexts that allow promoting technological mediation in educational and communication processes through a transdisciplinary perspective. He also has published widely on issues of family and school relationships, digital culture and children’s active participation in the design process. Through Mediática, he develops projects for communities or groups (educational centers, research groups, companies, institutions, etc.) to innovate in their knowledge creation practices, exploring and taking advantage of the affordances and dynamics of the social web as networked publics. As a regular contributor at Medialab-Prado Madrid, a city council institution with international prestige devoted to digital culture, he frequently participates in activities of open innovation and scientific knowledge transfer.