International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, 21 March

On March 21, the On March 21, the International Day Against Racial Discrimination is celebrated, this year dedicated to the fight against racism of young people under the slogan #FightRacism. From the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice of the Autonomous University of Madrid, once again, we highlight the need to raise our voice against all acts of injustice and oppression.

As we pointed out in the “Sumamos y Proponemos” campaign, the crisis we are going through has increased hate speech. Thus, this day should serve to remind us that the struggle for the recognition and participation of people who are traditionally excluded continues.

Without any doubt, we need a clear anti-racist commitment on the part of the administrations, but it is also a clear decision of activism of each one of us. For this reason, the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice of the UAM believes in promoting an intercultural education that favors the recognition and participation of all, in short, an education against any type of prejudice and racist discrimination.