Cynthia Martínez Garrido
Assistant Professor Doctor in Research Methods and Evaluation in Education. She has been postdoctoral researcher Juan de la Cierva at the University of Granada, has also made a postdoctoral stay at the University of Durham (United Kingdom). Accredited as Professor Hired Doctor by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA). Prize for the best Doctoral Thesis 2015 by the Interuniversity Association of Pedagogical Research (AIDIPE).
Doctor in Education with European mention from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Diploma in Therapeutic Pedagogy, Degree in Psychopedagogy and Master in Information and Communication Technologies in Education. Member of the Research Group Educational Change for Social Justice (GICE), of the Latin American Network for Research on School Change and Efficiency (RINACE), of the Research Network on Leadership and Improvement of Education (RILME). In addition, she is a member of AIDIPE-Interuniversity Association for Research in Pedagogy and the SEP-Spanish Society of Pedagogy.
Editor in three educational research journals: REICE. Iberoamerican Magazine on Quality, Efficiency and Change in Education, International Journal of Education for Social Justice (RIEJS) and Latin American Magazine of Inclusive Education.