Cristina Costa-Lobo
Graduated by the University of Coimbra, master by the University of Minho, doctorate by the University of Minho and postdoctoral by the Federal University of Paraná. Full Professor at UNIFACS (Bahia, Brazil), Coordinating Professor at the Instituto de Estudos Superiores de Fafe (IESF), Invited Professor at UNICENTRO and Invited Professor at UNIFESSPA. President of the Portuguese Observatory of the UNESCO Chair for Youth Education and Society. Researcher at CIDI (IESF, Portugal), CEOS.PP (IPP, Portugal), CIETI-LABORIS (IPP, Portugal), REMIT (UPT, Portugal), CEPESE (University of Porto, Portugal), the Laboratório de Neurociências e Comportamento (UNICENTRO, Brazil), LaPE (UNICENTRO, Brazil), GICE (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain). Specialist in Educational Psychology and Career Development. Certified by Europsy. Co-founder of the Psychology Identity project. Secretary-General of INTERPSIC- Portuguese Association for Psychological Intervention. Co-founder of the Portuguese Career Development Association. Vice-president of the Pole of RIEC_ IESF Amarante and of the Pole of RIEC_ UNICENTRO (Red Internacional de Escuelas Creativas). Director of the Strategy, Development and Internationalization Department at Optimus Creative and Technology School. Director of Educational Innovation at IESF. Founder and scientific director of the Centro de Intervenção, Investigação em Desporto, Educação e Bem Estar (CIIDEBE – Brazil and Portugal).