Conference - March 15 (15M): An international strike against Climate Change
On Wednesday, March 13, the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice, of the UAM, in collaboration with the research group GinTRANS ^ 2, organizes the Conference entitled “March 15 (15M): An international strike against Change Climate”. It will be held in the Conference Room of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Autonomous University of Madrid.
14.00-14.30: Presentation of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice (F. Javier Murillo)
14.30-14.45: Why a climate strike? Perspectives of collapse and hopes for change: The Fridays for future movement (Adrián Almazán)
14.45-15.15: The Spanish youth stand up for the weather. Presentation of JuventudxClima UAM before the climate strike of 15M. (Members of JuventudxClima UAM)
15.15-15.30: UAM2050 or what we should do from our university to fail better … (Jorge Riechmann)
15.30-16.00: Debate