Compilation of journals on Education and Social Justice, a resource for research available on the website of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice

Education is an engine of change, especially if it aims at building a more just society, based on equity, participation, and cooperation. In this sense, it is important to promote research on Education for Social Justice, and academic journals on education play an essential role in this.

For this reason, the website of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice contains different resources for research, among which you can find a list of journals on education and social justice. This list with international publications is very useful not only for researchers, but also for teachers and students who want to introduce themselves or expand their knowledge on this subject.

The compilation we have made includes prestigious journals from around the world, among them the academic publication of the Chair, the International Journal of Education for Social Justice. Since 2012, the International Journal of Education for Social Justice has been disseminating quality research in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Its latest issue, to which you can freely access from the magazine’s website, is dedicated to the Consequences of School Closure due to Covid-19 on Educational Inequalities.

Another recommendation is Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, the SAGE Journals magazine aimed at promoting a dialogue between educators and politicians concerned with achieving an education for Social Justice.

Race Ethnicity and Education is another journal included in the list. This UK’s leading research publication is dedicated to exploring the dynamics of race, racism and ethnicity in educational policy, theory and practice. The magazine belonging to the well-known British publisher Routledge publishes 6 annual issues, which are collected in volumes accessible online from its website.

These are just some of the academic journals on education and social justice included in the Chair’s list of recommended resources for research. More in: