Carmen Burgos

Academic, professor in undergraduate and graduate programs of the Faculty of Humanities and Education of the University of Atacama, Chile. Professor of General Basic Education. Master’s in education, specialization in Competency-based Curriculum Design. Doctor in Educational Sciences, by the University of La Frontera, Chile. Interdisciplinary training in critical analysis studies in political philosophy for the postgraduate program in Philosophy at National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Diploma in Philosophy of Education, specialization studies in History of Ideas in Latin America CIALC-UNAM. Diploma in Interdisciplinary Seminars CEIICH-epistemology.


She is also director of the Institute for Research in Social Sciences and Education (IICSE), and the Observatory on Education, Society and Culture (OESC) of the University of Atacama, Chile. She is also the Editorial Director of the Propulsión Journal of the University de Atacama. Coordinator of the Chilean branch of the Colectivo Docente Innovagogía, Spain.

She is the author of scientific papers and publications in specialized journals in the pedagogical, curricular, and techno-educational fields. Her research lines in the field of pedagogy and education are creativity, pedagogical and curricular theory, creative action in relation to the educational matter, and Curriculum-Society link. Member of the group of researchers in Latin American curriculum; part of the editorial board of Revista Comunicar, SoPhia, INFAD, among others. She is part of the researcher repository of ANID-2020, collaborator of the Iberoamerican Network of Teachers, Latin American Association of Philosophy of Education A.C. (ALFE), INTERPEC, and the Latin American Association of Philosophy of Education (ALFE), INTERPEC, INFAD, among other networks AIISEP representative for South America.