Seminar “Human rights, coexistence and positive management of diversity”

Seminario: Derechos Humanos, convivencia y gestión positiva de la diversidad Demospaz, the Culture of Peace Foundation and the  UNESCO Chair on Education for Social Justice organize the Seminar “Human Rights, coexistence and positive management of diversity” on November 17 and 18.

F. Javier Murillo will be at the Vallecas Pedagogical Conference “Good treatment and prevention in childhood”

F. Javier Murillo will be at the Vallecas Pedagogical Conference “Good treatment and prevention in childhood” The Chair will participate in the Conference organized by the Coordinadora Infantil y Juvenil de Tiempo Libre de Vallecas with a  presentation entitled “Education for Social Justice as a focus on socio-educational intervention”   The Coordinadora Infantil y Juvenil […]