Literary recommendations to commemorate World Refugee Day

The stories of those people who are forced to flee their homes can narrate experiences of all kinds; traumatic, of hope, of overcoming. Stories that often bring to light the most severe and cruel injustices of humanity, the power imbalance among people, as well as the great social gaps that plague and dismember the social fabric of entire civilizations.

Given the experience that millions of people suffer today, it is the responsibility of those with the privilege of not having to face this situation to understand the reasons that lead some people to flee what was once considered home. And so, based on the values and attitudes that contribute to coexistence between human beings, such as empathy and solidarity, promote a reflection that allows us to respond to this humanitarian crisis.

As individuals, we can start with books, accumulating knowledge and stimulating our critical thinking. In this way, we can promote those values that unite us through reading. For this reason, the Chair has compiled a short list of literary recommendations on refugees, of all kinds and for different audiences:

Children’s literature

Literature for the general public