Compilation of journals on Education and Social Justice, a resource for research available on the website of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice

Compilation of journals on Education and Social Justice, a resource for research available on the website of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice Education is an engine of change, especially if it aims at building a more just society, based on equity, participation, and cooperation. In this sense, it is important to promote […]

Popular and Community Education Day, remembering Freire on the 99th anniversary of his birth

Popular and Community Education Day, remembering Freire on the 99th anniversary of his birth Last September, the 99th anniversary of the birth of the Brazilian pedagogue and educator Paulo Freire was commemorated by celebrating the Day of Popular and Community Education. This celebration has been promoted by different community, educational and cultural organizations such as […]

Get to know the Green Kids School project!

Get to know the Green Kids School project! In 2019, an Innovation and Improvement program began to be developed in the community of the rural area of ​​Ayampe (Ecuador). The Project aimed at eradicating the traditional problems of rural schools, such as school absenteeism or the lack of specialists and resources. The success of the […]

CEIPAZ awarded by the Government of Navarra for its work for peace and coexistence

CEIPAZ awarded by the Government of Navarra for its work for peace and coexistence The Government of Navarra, together with the director of Peace, Coexistence and Human Rights Martin Zabalza Arregui have awarded  the Center for Education and Research for Peace (CEIPAZ) and its director, Manuela Mesa, for their more than ten years in the […]

September 8th. International Literacy Day

September 8th. International Literacy Day Every year since 1967, on September 8 we celebrate International Literacy Day with the aim of remembering the importance of reading and writing as a basis for human rights. Despite the progress in this area, in 2020 there are still around 773 million adults who do not have the basic […]

International Day of Indigenous Women

International Day of Indigenous Women In Tihuanacu (Peru) in 1983 the “Second Meeting of Organizations and Movements of America” was held. During the Meeting, it was decided to commemorate all indigenous women both for their courage and for the work they carry out in favor of the conservation and strengthening of the indigenous cultures, knowledge, […]

UNESCO launches the campaign ‘Keeping girls in the picture’

UNESCO launches the campaign ‘keeping girls in the picture’ This year more than 900 million children of all ages and parts of the world were called to go back to school between August and October. However, only half of them will do so due, among other factors, to the closure of schools caused by the […]

Poverty and inequality, constraints on the path towards an inclusive education

Poverty and inequality, constraints on the path towards an inclusive education Education is one of the fundamental pillars for building inclusive societies with greater equal opportunities. However, there are social, economic and cultural factors that can favor or undermine the achievement of equity and inclusion in education, as noted in the last UNESCO GEM Report. […]

UNESCO promotes the Global Education Coalition to respond to school closures

UNESCO promotes the Global Education Coalition to respond to school closures As we know, one of the main measures taken by governments to stop the spread of Covid-19 has been the closure of schools. Due to the concern that this might affect continued learning, they have opted to provide distance education through alternative means such […]

Internacional Afro-descendant Women’s Day

July 25th: International Afro-descendant Women’s Day On 25 July 1992, the Meeting of Afro-descendant Women was held in the Dominican Republic, which gathered together 300 women from 32 Latin American countries to define strategies for political advocacy and créate partnerships to confront racism from a gender perspective. For this reason, this date was then declared […]