First articles published in the special issue on "Consequences of the School Clousings for Covid-19 on Educational Inequalities" of the International Journal of Education for Social Justice

After the sudden school closing nationwide as a containment measure for Covid-19, the International Journal of Education for Social Justice decided to open an extraordinary call that would include articles about the consequences of said measure on educational inequalities. Under this pretext, the following articles are already available:

Research papers

Resistir la Covid-19. Intersecciones en la Educación de la Ciudad de Juárez, México
Evangelina Cervantes Holguín y Pavel Roel Gutiérrez Sandoval


Opinion articles

Polémicas Educativas en Confinamiento
Juan Carlos Jiménez


O se Llama Coravid o no Existe
Juan José Vergara


Covid-19: ¿Punto Sin Retorno de la Digitalización de la Educación?
Adrián Almazán Gómez


Alumnos de Necesidades Educativas Especiales, en Casa por el Covid-19. Experiencias que nos Descubren Vidas
Paz Rodríguez del Rincón


For more information, you can check the Call For Papers.