DEMOSPAZ organizes a seminar on Human Rights and Global Emergencies

The COVID-19 emergency has revealed that there are global risks that have no borders. The pandemic intersects with some crisis dynamics that already existed before and has exacerbated them, such as socio-economic inequality, the weakening of global governance structures, and the weakening of health systems and public policies such as a result of decades of neoliberal policies and in particular the cycle of austerity after the 2008 crisis. Global health governance depends on subsidiary international organizations with no executive mandate or operational capacity to provide assistance, posing a problem for the pandemic management. Global governance and collective action are imperative to overcome the pandemic.

This unprecedented situation is an opportunity to put on the table and reflect on some issues related to emergencies and human rights at the international, national and local levels. How can human rights be guaranteed in times of pandemic? What instruments do we need in the multilateral, national and local framework?

Along these lines, the Institute for Human Rights, Democracy, Culture of Peace and nonviolence DEMOSPAZ-UAM and the Culture of Peace Foundation organize two talks that are part of the program of activities carried out with the General Secretariat for Human Rights, Coexistence and Cooperation of the Basque Government:

Global risks, multilateralism and human rights

Inequality, vulnerability and securitization of the response

  • 30 de november, 16.30h- 18.30h
  • Online
  • Inscription:
